Friday, February 28, 2014

Strange winter weather

High and lows. Laura Ingalls Wilder and  her family, friends, and neighbors had to deal with blizzards and blizzard like conditions. And they did it without electronics. THE LONG WINTER deals with this long winter season. I still need to read this book. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Books at the homes

I was re-reading a section of MY CRAPPY NOVEL dealing with entertainment. My character had brought a copy of the McGuffey Reader and math grades 1-5 combo(I made that up because they are sold separately, STILL). I was wondering the following:

1. How many books did the average homesteader have on the premises? City dweller? Country dweller? 

2. Remember Johnny Appleseed? I believe he had a tale about splitting a book in half so he and his neighbors could each read a section and then tell each other their parts when they got together once in a blue moon during the winter season. Now I could be wrong. It could have been another famous homesteader. What was the name if the book

3. Were books STILL looked upon as an upper class, caste, or luxury item? 

4. Did the music students pay or borrow their music book from the teacher in the story where she was being courted by Almanzo? 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mount Rushmore documentary on TV

So what does Mount Rushmore have anything to do with little house on the prairie? Quite a bit. Laura Ingalls Wilder sister was married to working man who helped name the monument.  More later. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley temple passed away

Today Shirley Temple Black passed away at re age of 85. She was famous for being a child actor. She was born in 1928 a year before the Great Depression would rear it's ugly head. Many would go to the movie theaters to forget their woes. I wonder if the ingalls-wilder clan did the same? What was their first reaction to movie theater! 

Having asked a lady who works at the library she said it was Rose Wilder Lane who mentioned going to the theater with her parents.